To create learning environments that are inclusive, diverse and engage all types of learners, we need to provide students with learning opportunities that extend beyond the classroom. This is key to supporting and enhancing the learner experience and achieving positive educational outcomes for students. By extending learning beyond the classroom, we open the door to many more learning opportunities for our students.

Learning beyond the classroom takes a child out of the educational “closet” – so to speak – and places them directly into the “real” world. Our Students have been found to better grasp skills and concepts that are presented to them directly and in context. When children are “hands on,” it allows them to reach an entirely new level of understanding.

Learning experiences outside the classroom are forms of experiential learning. These experiences are rooted in the simple principle that “experience is the best teacher.” Under this framework, learning outside of the classroom is an active process, wherein our students encounter authentic problems, construct novel hypotheses, test for real solutions, and interact with others to make sense of the world around them. When we do this, we encounter the world as a whole and are forced to engage multiple modalities.



“Fascinated by its saffronic canopy,

I look upon it reverentially high,

I wonder what seems to be more orange ,

The flowers or the evening sky.”

Like the Gulmohar tree, our students are gentle and fluffy, flamboyant yet soft, burning bright with scarlet red colours, added by the beauty of bright green foliage, making them an exceptionally striking individuals.


“I’m a little Pine tree as you can see,

All the other Pine trees are bigger than me,

Maybe when I grow up- Then I’ll be,

A great big merry Christmas tree.”

Representing wisdom and longevity, the Pine tree is a symbol of peace. The students of the house are survivalists, using their own instincts to ensure their future is long and are always forging new paths towards a new world.


I can see the mulberry tree, and its limbs as they shake,

I can see the glad smiles of the friends when I strayed

To foller them off to the mulberry ground.”

The mulberry tree encourages us to enjoy the abundance of life and to revel in the gifts that nature and trees provide. The students of mulberry house know the importance of recognizing the abundance in all aspects of life.


“Shake my limbs, and make me sway.

But I have roots stretched in the earth,

Growing stronger since my birth.

You’ll never touch them, for you see,

They are the deepest part of me .

Oak trees are a symbol of courage and power, and some even call it the most powerful tree. The students are bestowed with wisdom, honour and power, as well as strength of character.

Sports And GAMES

Team sports aren’t all about physical benefits. They’re a fantastic and super-fun way to explore and developing lifelong skills.

Team sports increases self-esteem

Being part of a team, with a united goal, is an incredible way to connect with teammates and coaches alike. Contributing to a team, regardless of whether it’s a leadership position, will ultimately contribute to a boost in a child’s self-esteem and confidence. Being part of a team allows kids to give and receive praise, and receiving recognition from a teammate or coach shows acknowledgment for their effort and consequently will boost self-esteem.

Team sports helps develop critical thinking skills

Each game situation is completely different. Tactics, opponents, strengths, and weaknesses all need to be taken into consideration. Sometimes players need to figure out how to shut down a star player on the other team; other times it’s trying to figure out how to use their own players to draw errors. Regardless of the challenge, critical thinking skills are required to solve it.

Team sports teach that life isn’t always fair

This is a tough lesson at any age.  We’ve had referees not call a game-changing penalty when it clearly (in our opinion) should have been called … and we’ve also had referees call a penalty when, if truth be told, we didn’t actually deserve it. The lesson here is that there’s one person in charge of making calls in the game, and regardless of how strongly you feel the wrong call might have been made, you simply don’t have the power to change the call. In fact, you not only (usually) cannot change calls, but you also need to accept them and move on quickly, because typically arguing and complaining is only going to impact your performance and the game negatively.

Kids should play multiple sports

Children generally have a liking for one sport. They love it, live for it, and play it for hours each week. However it’s critical that kids play multiple sports and we certainly encourage it. For starters, it’s good for them to be challenged, and be humble when learning something that doesn’t come easily to them.

Different sports require different levels of skill, focus, endurance, and physical work. Working with many different coaches and coaching styles teaches important life lessons.

Team sports help kids learn to accept defeat

Bad sportsmanship is ugly. No one likes a poor loser, but let’s face it, it never feels great to lose. But losing is incredibly important. It stinks. It doesn’t feel good. But losing with grace and dignity is an important lesson to learn. To look a person in the eye you have spent the past 90 minutes battling with and tell them “nice job,” is incredibly difficult (especially for testosterone-fuelled young teens)  yet incredibly important.

This is a critical lesson to learn from sports and carry into the future. Good coaches teach athletes to lose with dignity and respect, and that there’s always a learning experience to learn from each loss and failure.

Team sports help kids develop character and teamwork skills

Teamwork is a skill we use our whole life, so it’s important to learn the basics early. Playing team sports at a young age allows children to participate in social interactions, work together to achieve goals, and build skills such as teamwork and leadership.  Being part of a team allows children to sort through their strengths and weaknesses.

Team sports teach that hard work pays off

Nothing worth having comes easy. Ever. There are no shortcuts in sports (even if you are Messi!) and athletes who are successful have one thing in common: very hard work and consistent dedication. Talent definitely plays a role in the early years, but as they mature, it’s the hard workers that rise to the top. Practicing a skill you find difficult can be boring and tedious, but mastering a skill can only be reached with intense focus and work. You can’t just set goals and hope they’ll come true; there needs to be a clear path to success. Hard work creates confidence, which then creates results, which boosts self-esteem.

Team sports build leadership skills

I think it’s fantastic when coaches encourage all kids to be leaders. This could be as simple as allowing different players to lead warm-ups before practice, or rotating the captain of each game. When given opportunities to lead, players are forced to step up, become more confident in themselves and leading others, and in turn, develop skills that will support them in life.


Athletics have been a mainstay of The Badhani School for decades .The Badhani School has created a special field for championship events. Added by an amphitheatre  for award ceremonies, special announcements and other showcasing moments enhances every event that our school hosts.



When everything has been said or nothing is being said, because it’s just too hard to say out loud, there is music. Music can free the up spoken, that’s what music is all about the freedom to express yourself, the freedom to be a child. One of the key elements that play an instrumental role in honing a child’s skills is music. There is music in every child. A teacher ignites the fire that fuels a disciple’s thirst for learning, knowledge and wisdom.

If the brain is a muscle, then learning to play an instrument and read music is the ultimate exercise. Music training can change both the structure of the brain’s white matter, which carries signals through the brain, and grey matter, which contains most of the brain’s neurons that are active in processing information. Music instruction also boosts engagement of brain networks that are responsible for decision making and the ability to focus.


Debate provides experiences that are conducive to life-changing, cognitive, and presentational skills. At the very least, debate helps learners to see the power of deploying rational, reasoned arguments and compelling evidence in action. It enables them to elucidate their standpoint through utilizing rhetorical eloquence. It instils in debaters a great sense of poise and confidence. It teaches them the skills of researching, organizing, and presenting information in a compelling fashion.

Speech and Debate competitions aims to give students a voice across the most important issues and challenges that we face, whether as individuals, businesses, governments, or society as a whole. It’s critical that we train our next generation of leaders with the aptitude and ability to rigorously and critically examine alternative viewpoints and efficiently find the best solutions.

Spelling bee

A spelling bee can spark a love of language and learning in children that will serve them well throughout their entire lives. The literacy, cognitive and life skills that they develop through study and competing have benefits far beyond the scope of mere spelling ability, reaching into every aspect of life and communication. Participating in a spelling bee may be hard work. But it can also be a lot of fun, with many unexpected rewards for all facets of life.


Dance is the physical expression through movement and rhythm of relationships, feelings and ideas. Nobody invented dance. It is deep in the heart of every culture throughout history. Dance is part of the pulse of humanity. It embraces multiple genres, styles and traditions and is constantly evolving. Its roles range from recreational to sacred and cover every form of social purpose. Using dance, the Badhani School aims to improve social relationships especially among genders and to enrich the culture of the school by cultivating collaboration, respect and compassion.


Drama teaches students to speak in a manner that excites the senses and bolsters the confidence of the speaker. It allows students the freedom to express themselves in a safe environment that allows them to take chances that are not available to test in public. Allowing for mistakes as well as successes, allow the speaker to gain valuable self confidence in themselves as both a speaker and a person. Making creative choices ,thinking of new ideas and interpreting familiar material in a new ways are essential to drama. Drama enhances verbal and non-verbal expression of ideas. Drama does not just boost the student’s confidence, it develops their communication skills and makes them stronger people.


What sets the sport apart is the fact that it isn’t just a race against other swimmers, it is a battle with the water that they swim in as well.

Competitive swimming is one of the most popular Badhani sports, with events in butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle, medley and diving. In addition to these individual events, swimmers also take part in relays.

For the fastest swimmers, mere hundredths of a second can separate the medallists from the rest of the field.

We make sure restrooms, drinking fountains and maintenance closets are spread throughout the facility in convenient locations.


“Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.”

– Marry Ritter  Beard

Our Adventure sports comprises of a very wide range of activities like Mountaineering, rock climbing and trekking.

Adventure sports are undertaken at our 360 degree camp depending upon the nature of the topography and the weather conditions. Living in a tent on open land where outdoor life can be enjoyed to the fullest is what is camping about. Fresh air, glimpses of wildlife, and the smell of meals cooked outside, hurdles and swings are just some of its rewards. 

The main motive of our adventure sports is to create self-confidence in the children. It helps them overcome their fear. By participation our children improve their social relation, develop the habit of unity, cooperation, patience, sympathy and adjustment. Spending nights outdoors allows our children to view constellations not visible at home and hear the sounds of nature, like the yips of coyotes or the trills of songbirds. More than any other reason, children camp to have an adventure in nature.

Field trips may be defined as “any journey taken under the auspices of the school for educational purposes”. Along with the engagement of concepts that is required by these experiences, the student bonding that occurs on field trips enhances the learning experience and creates a learning community as students continue onward in a discipline. Teaching in the field also gives instructors the opportunity to get to know our students in greater depth in terms of how the students see the world differently than the instructor. This insight into student world-views can help the instructor to better communicate the concepts of the course.

Multiple excursions are organized for students for every academic session. Further, the school organizes planned visits to various places to enrich the students and to take learning beyond the four walls of the classroom. Travel expands your horizons and school life cannot be complete without the fun of educational tours and excursions. These trips are tailor made to facilitate the students to know and understand the real, multicultural world. A host of activities are undertaken as a part of national and international trips which act as a catalyst to think out of the box and broaden the outlook. 


While our children learn to shoot at The Badhani School, they develop high level skills that affect every other aspect of their life. Our children become focused, driven, self-disciplined, understand honour and integrity, individual achievement and team work as well, how to set a goal, reach it and then reset higher. The word “Quit” is never a part of their vocabulary.

Indoor and outdoor Shooting Range at The Badhani School are great for honing in your target skills and building muscle memory for the mechanics of shooting.


Creativity is a key asset for further education and beyond. The true talent of our children now lies in their ability to draw from many wells”, and art is the medium through which they can access those wells.

At The Badhani School, the arts have always been an integrated part of our curriculum We weave the arts into our core classroom curricula as well as teach specific artistic skills and abilities.

In order to create change, students must first learn to create. Just like adults and perhaps even more so because they are still developing their own identities, young people turn to and respond to the arts to help them communicate and understand ideas, viewpoints and emotions. In this way, the arts cultivate creative thinking which leads to other supplemental skills such as problem-solving which ultimately can benefit students across disciplines.

The arts are a way of learning, of exploring, of responding, of revealing and demonstrating, of imagining, depicting, and making meaning. They belong in the school curriculum, as they belong in the minds and hearts of all lifelong learners.


Being in a beautiful location where you can take in nature like its art certainly makes your day!

Tournaments are a key revenue driver at golf courses for many reasons.

At their core, all golf tournaments offer the thrill of competition to every participant and amplify the importance of every shot in a way that a casual round simply cannot. As nerve-wracking as they may be, golfers yearn for those first tee jitters and pressure-packed five-foot putts.


Marching bands exist as a unique entity. Marching bands, parades, stirring marches, and their attendant symbolism have played a recurrent role in signifying our patriotism.

The school band leads the School Ceremonial parade on Sports Day and on all other major programmes. “The Badhani School Band’ in glittering uniform is a proud possession to the School.

In addition to traditional parade performances, our marching bands also perform field shows on different sporting events and marching band competitions.


The Badhani School always want to give back to the community around them to help our students learn the importance of caring for those around them. 

Our effort in community services provides an opportunity for our children to empathise with the underprivileged children, understand the harsh realities of life and hereby, intermingle with them, help them and most importantly, treat them with respect and dignity.

We encourage each and every child for community service and motivate them personally about the importance of community service in life ahead.


The Badhani School has started a silent and constructive revolution to save the environment, to regenerate farmer – friendly micro organism, to bring back soil productivity, to re-establish ecological balance by practically doing Organic Farming in its many Acres Farm. In this farm, cultivation is done without resorting to any type of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. We truly believe and preach against the extensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in farming.

This cultivation has proved to be healthier for the soil, more eco-friendly, less expensive i.e. (almost zero Budget) and most of all less toxic to the ground water, resulting in saving the humanity from the dreadful diseases.